The Organizing Journey

Are you inundated with emails coming into your inbox talking about New Year's Resolutions?  Although I'm pretty good at unsubscribing to junk mail, my inbox seems to be full of 'How To' New Year's Resolution-type emails.

new year resolutionsImage credit

January tends to be a time to set goals, make resolutions, and create 'to do' lists.  Although we have great intentions to follow through, the fact of the matter is, life gets in the way.  Jobs, families, commitments take priority and we quickly lose sight of what we wish our lives could be like.Autumn, from Happy, Smart, Organized wrote a brilliant article titled, "My List of What to Say ‘No’ to in 2015".  In her list she mentioned the following:

  1. I will say no to not putting myself first.
  2. I will say no to watching too much TV.
  3. I will say no to disregarding my health to make others happy.

Autumn goes on to list 3 more items on her list.  I encourage you to read her full article here.  This is a great way to put a spin on the old resolution list.January seems to be a time for everyone to get organized.  In the United States, NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) supports January as National Get Organized (GO) Month.  But getting organized is not about simply buying containers and SHAZAM, you're there.Becoming organizedThe road to become organized definitely has a start, but you need to know it is truly a journey!  It's learning about what is not working, why it's not working, formulating a plan, acting on the plan, and maintaining the space.  For every space there are solutions.  Sometimes it's easy to see the solution while other times you may not realize there even is a solution.I am starting 2015 off with a six-week program that will walk you through the main spaces of a home.  I'll talk about organizing tips and tricks as well as give you the tools to work on those spaces.  If you have put becoming more organized on your list for 2015, I encourage you to sign up for this series.  And as a special thank you to all my wonderful blog readers, I have a little something special for you:fall in love with your home

This promo is only available to my lovely blog readers!

I hope you can take advantage of this offer to start 2015 off with a bang!  You can register for the 6 week program here.Wishing you health and happiness for 2015!Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

 Wishing to fall in love with your home, see how I can help!

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