Hopes and Dreams for 2015

Now that Christmas has come and gone, all that everyone seems to be talking about now is goal setting for 2015. As I look back at my business year of 2014, I am feeling truly blessed. I have worked with so many nice clients and as a result, have made new life-long friends.When I look at my business and how it has evolved in 7 years, there have been many things that have surprised me. You know, when I first started my business I knew the following:

  • I loved having an organized home.
  • I loved a pretty home
  • I loved helping people.

So how did I take all of that and morph it into the business that I have today? Well, it has taken me seven years to finally figure things out.   And it has come down to this one statement:Fall In Love With Your HomeI absolutely love helping people fall in love with their homes. It is through 3 services (that took me 7 years to figure out) that I love working in:

Renovation & New Construction

This past fall I completed my True Colour Expert™ training in Vancouver, BC. It is quite often in staging a home when the paint colour is all off (and quite honestly at times, just downright bad). With this training, I also learned choosing choices (counters, flooring, cabinet colour, etc.) so that a home flows. For someone who really hates shopping, I can shop for hours upon hours for flooring, tile, counters, etc. I love it when a plan comes together!In doing this training and now working with clients who are undergoing either a minor or major renovation, I have been able to see some amazing transformations. I've also been the witness of some happy tears – which just warms my heart to no end. If you follow my blog, you will know that I will be going through a major renovation in my own home. I will be blogging about the experience, why we made certain choices, etc. I hope you'll enjoy it.I am so happy I have added this to what I offer as it feels like it’s something that I have always been meant to be doing.And for the record, it is EXACTLY like what you see on the TV shows. Renovations can be going tickety-boo and the next thing you know it, there’s a curve ball thrown at you. Ahhh...love the logistics and problem solving that’s involved because in the end, you know there’s going to be a beautiful home that someone will love.

Professional Staging

One of the main reasons I took my True Colour Expert™ training was to add to my staging services. The main goal with staging is to have other people fall in love with your home. So whether it’s getting a home organized to list or whether it’s having some minor renovations done in order to get the home ready to sell, I continue to love working with a variety of real estate agents.  Just the other day I was telling my hubby about how many homes I’ve been in this past year and yes, I have seen it all! And while some are not-so nice and need a ton of work, there is always potential and possibilities!

Professional Organizing

I have always loved organizing and it has taken me 7 years to realize that while many people could use this service, not everyone is ready to become organized. For me, this has been the hardest. It’s hard on me because I can't go into a home and create magic when the client doesn't want to put work into their space. Listen, it doesn't take a day for a space to become unorganized. It takes weeks, months, and sometimes even years for a space to get to a state where help is needed. While I can get any space organized and functional for me, if the client isn't willing to acknowledge that things need to change, there will be no magic. When the client is not willing to maintain the space and acknowledge that habits need to change, I actually feel like a failure. I hate feeling that way. I hate feeling like I've wasted money on organizing when I know full well that things are not going to change.Is it ok that you're not ready to become organized? Of course! I even wrote a blog about it in July. I called it, ‘3 Telltale Signs You Are Not Ready To Get Organized'.Since I don't really enjoy feeling like a failure, I have become extremely picky on who I take on for organizing clients. While some of you may be saying, “Wow – how snobby...” that’s not it at all. I'm the furthest thing from being snobby. It comes down to me wanting to work with people who are ready. Ready to go through the exercise of letting go, moving on, and making their homes a place they love. Simple as that.So as I look back on 2014, I continue to be so grateful that I have a supportive husband who has given me the freedom to follow my dream. Without his love and support, I would not be doing what I am doing. I would not be able to grow professionally and personally.For the new year, I'm starting off 2015 with a 6 week webinar series to help people fall in love with their homes. Who knew 7 years ago I would be hosting a 6 week online course?For all my readers, I can't thank you enough for following my blog, for listening to me rant on and on about colour, design, and organizing.My Wish For YouWishing you all a Happy New Year full of happiness!Sheri Bruneau  Get It Together

NEW for January – 6 Weeks to Fall in Love With Your Home

Webinar learning series that will give you the tools to get your home organized and designed for 2015!

Click here for more information!


The Organizing Journey


Organizing Christmas Decorations