Renovation Expectations - What Are Yours?

I am not going to make excuses for what I did.  I am not going to lose any more sleep.  I am not going to stop eating due to being sick to my stomach.  I am not going to regret what I did.   What exactly did I do?

I fired a client.  

In the eight years that I have had my business, I have never let a client go.  I have never terminated my contract with anyone and I myself have never been fired.

Sorry - I couldn't resist! 

I'm not going to sit here and talk badly about my past client(s).  They are lovely people - they truly are.  However when you are a couple and you're taking on a renovating project AND you are clearly not on the same page, it's difficult!  So how can you be on the same page?  Here's a start.  Here are 3 words to help you with your renovating expectations.  This will help with moving forward with your own renovation.

3 Words You Need To Know Before Renovating




Expectations When You Renovate

I'm currently working with Neil Fifer of Fifer Equities on his latest flip house.  It was Neil who talked to me about these 3 words.  When you stop and think about it, it makes total sense and I've been using these 3 words with potential clients to educate them on the process ever since.I've always considered 3 a magic number.  If you look at most Fairy Tales, there often is a 'magic 3' somewhere.  Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, The 3 Little Pigs, etc.  With renovations these words are not very magical.   I want you to pick 2 words above that you feel are the most important for you during a renovation. Do it - right now.  And let's see what happens to these 3 words during a renovation.

Renovation Expectations: Price and Quality 

If you chose price and quality, then speed will be compromised to some extent.  Here's an example and what I mean: if you wish to have a custom vanity in your bathroom, or custom cabinets in your kitchen, then you are going to pay (price)  for that quality.  You will also pay with the speed of your project.  It roughly takes 4-6 weeks for anything custom to be manufactured where I live.  Can you have all 3?  By that I mean can you have expensive, quality custom cabinets made and installed in 2 weeks?  Nope.  You can spend money (price) on quality, but you can't have speed.renovation expectations

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Beautiful ensuite that you know took time to complete!

Renovation Expectations: Quality and Speed

Did anyone pick quality and speed? Let's look at this: if you wish to have good quality work done and/or have quality product, and done quickly (speed), your renovation is going to require a number of people.  People cost money (price).  Rush orders cost more money (price).  Your renovation budget will balloon quickly the faster you wish to have your project done and the more people you need.  It's simple math.  Can you have quality and speed.  Yup - it's just going to cost you.  And don't forget, you didn't pick price!renovation expectations

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Renovation Expectations: Price and Speed 

Of course we all would love to have great pricing and work done correctly.  Here's how it really plays out in a renovation: If you wish to opt out for cheap material for your renovation project (price), in addition to having the work done quickly (speed), then you will be facing a very low quality end result.  You can not expect the Taj Mahal when you're dealing with cheap material and a quick job where things can, and will be missed .  It just doesn't work!  Can you have price and speed?  Yes - but you have to know the quality of the materials and/or the craftsmanship may not be what you like.renovation expectations

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Not cheap and not fast.  Quality - you bet!

Every client is different with the two words they pick as the most important to them and their situation and family.   When I know which two words that are the most important, then I know the path we will take.  Which 2 words would you pick for a renovation?

When it comes to renovations and work done in your home, you just can not afford to make a mistake!  Send me an email to discuss my rates.

One of the biggest investments one can make is the investment of a home and we believe you should LOVE coming home!  

 Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

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