Why Pre Renovation Work is So Important

It's the week of Christmas and although I'd love to be 'winding down' for the holidays, the truth is I'm gearing up for January!  With a number of projects that will be starting in January there's no time to rest.  So what exactly is involved in getting ready?  There's a ton of pre renovation work involved!

Pre Renovation Work  - The Discovery Stage

It is at this stage where I meet my clients and they tell me what they are looking for in their renovation, why they are renovating, etc.  If it is a space that I will be redesigning, I like to ask what they find is not working, what they like about the space, etc.  It is at this stage where I typically get a good feel of what my clients are looking for.  It is also at this stage where I create a Pinterest Board for both my clients and myself to start pinning ideas for their renovation.  It is at this stage where I can get a really good sense of their style, what they are drawn to, etc.  In the discovery stage, I also talk budget.  Although most clients are hesitant to throw out a number (honestly, I won't spend it all), I totally get why there is some hesitation.  Most people really don't know what it will cost.pre renovation work

Pre Renovation Work  - The Design Phase

After the Discovery Stage,  I move to the design phase.  It is at this stage where measurements are taken and I come up with a 2D and 3D design plan to visually show my clients what the entire space could look like. This Design Phase is conceptual only.  What do I mean by that?  It means that things may change along the way.  It is this plan that I will use with the General Contractor to ensure that our plan can be carried out.pre renovation work

Pre Renovation Work  - Sourcing

With the use of Pinterest and Houzz, many clients have a strong vision of what they wish to see in their renovated space.  If that is the case, I can start sourcing and putting together a budget for finishes.  I typically give them two options with two price points.  For example, I am currently sourcing for a powder room makeover that will happen in the new year.  We are currently looking at the following faucets to go with their vessel sink:pre renovation workBoth faucets are beautiful however one is more expensive than the other.  It is at this phase where I can also manipulate the budget.  For example, if my clients really wish to have a more expensive faucet, then I can source less expensive wall sconces.  It is at this creative stage that I have the ability to manipulate the budget without compromising the design of the space.

Pre Renovation Work - Contractors

When all of the above is done, then I bring in a General Contractor to provide a quote for the project.  All of the contractors that I work with are very flexible in having myself and my clients shop and choose the finishings.  After all, it's the finishes that everyone sees and plays a huge part in the design.

Pre Renovation Work - Procuring

Once the General Contractor has been selected and a timeline has been solidified, I need to work my little ass off to ensure everything we picked out is ordered and delivered before the work starts or before the install date.  For me, this is imperative that all supplies that I have sourced are there - waiting to be installed.  For example, handles for cabinets take roughly 10 days to arrive.  If lights we have picked out are not in stock, it's a good 2 weeks before they arrive. Custom cabinets take at least 4 weeks (I say 4-6 weeks to be safe).  While there are times when a product has been backordered or there's been a shipping issue, it typically doesn't happen too often.

Pre Renovation Work

As you can see, there is a boat-load of work that gets done before anyone ever swings a hammer!  Once the hammer does start to swing, it's full steam ahead!  As I have said more than once on this blog, failing to plan is planning to fail and I am a HUGE believer in planning.  The goal is to have a streamlined renovation and in order for that to happen, a lot of pre renovation work needs to be done.Did you have any idea that there were all of these pre renovation steps?Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Looking to get help with your next renovation?  Need help putting all of your finishes together?  Let's chat

Download my FREE printable RENOVATE WITH CONFIDENCE guide here!

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