How to get your kitchen organized for optimal use

Have you inherited a kitchen or are you are thinking of a newly designed one? Getting your kitchen organized takes planning.

In my last e-course in this whole home series, we are taking a look at the kitchen. The kitchen is a special place in our homes. It is the centre hub of our entire home. It may be the gathering place for everyone or it may be the one spot in your home that is most likely used the most!

An organized kitchen

Step 1

This is the million dollar question. How does one go about get the kitchen organized? If I was to be in your home with you, we would start with the number one question:

What is the vision for your kitchen?

Sheri Bruneau

A vision? Seriously? My answer will always be, "yes!" Without a vision for your kitchen, you have nothing guiding you. Perhaps your vision is: to have your kitchen to be more functional.

Although this is a great vision, this phrase actually needs to be broken down even more. I would have questions for you like,

  • What is not working for you right now in your kitchen?
  • What do you feel is not functional in your kitchen?
  • How do you use your kitchen? Are you more of a baker? A cooker? Both?
  • Do you have specific zones in your kitchen?

There are 5 zones for a kitchen | Sheri Bruneau, Designer

Design Tips: How to get your kitchen organized

In this e-course, I discuss some design tips that we have used in many of our kitchen renovations.

How to get your kitchen organized
Custom Organizer created by our carpenter and designed by our client | Sheri Bruneau, Designer

Tips and Tricks

Part of how to get your kitchen organized is using the best tips and tricks to help you. Whether you have inherited a kitchen or are looking to re-design your existing kitchen, in this e-course I show you my favourite tips and tricks. While there are many food prep gimmicks on the market, there are also great tools to help you get things organized.

And More…

You will receive my 6-step process to organize your kitchen as I walk you through each step and guide you to create the kitchen of your dreams.

How to get your kitchen organized

Click here to view the module

Shop the Organizational Tools

I'm not one for gimmicks and gadgets. The tools that I've pulled together down below are ones that I believe can assist you with organizing your kitchen. Click on any of the images to get more information.

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