Sous Vide | Is it possible to give your food a bath and still taste fantastic?

Ooo la, sounds so fancy! Sous Vide is a French word and although it may roll off you tongue in a fancy way, it really just means "under vacuum." Isn't Sous Vide a much fancier way of saying that?

While it sounds fancy and complicated, it really is a type of cooking method. Cooking Sous Vide is the process where you place your food in an airtight container and then cook that food in temperature-controlled water. You know, like a bath without the bubbles.

Sous Vide Week

January 26, 2021 was International Sous Vide Day (ISVD). I had the opportunity to connect virtually with some of my design besties, along with Signature Kitchen Suites (SKS) Appliances (see below), to experience Sous Vide myself.

Connecting with Brands

I have been extremely blessed to be connected with Veronika Miller who is the founder and CEO of Modenus Media. Veronika...oh how do I describe this bad-ass woman who is connected to everyone and everything?

Veronika created a group called Designhounds where she connects industry leaders, brands, and designers. The above is the short version. Here is what Designhounds really is.

“Designhounds is the leading network of design micro-influencers and our mission is for our content creators to leverage their own industry connections and insights to produce consistently well-researched, meaningful content that reaches, informs and converts targeted audiences of design professionals and design savvy consumers alike.” –

Did you read the word 'micro-influencers'? Most likely, we all know what influencers are, right? While someone like Kim Kardashian West may have 204 million followers on Instagram, I have a measly 2131 followers. What I can tell you is that you will never see me post a selfie in a bikini. You're welcome.

Macro Influencer

Micro Influencer

A micro-influencer, as defined by Impact is

any individuals that have between 1,000 to 1,000,000 followers/audience members and are considered experts in their respective niche.


Experts in our respective niche. How else do we as designers, become experts? We work with brands who educate us on their products.

SKS Appliances

It was through my connection with Veronika that I was introduced to SKS Appliances. While you may not have heard of SKS Appliances, I bet you have heard of LG. SKS Appliances is the luxury line for LG! And while it is not available in my area (yet), why am I associating myself with a brand that isn't available for my clients? It's called making relationships.

Brand relationships are key for any design professional It is through our association with brands that we learn. We learn all about what the brand has to offer. We also learn the benefits for our clients. When we make a recommendation to our clients, they are trusting us. They are looking at us to provide them our expertise, our opinions, and our thoughts.

Cooking Sous Vide SKS Style

SKS Appliances has a line of ranges that include Sous Vide!

This 48" Dual-Fuel Pro Range is the first range on the market that has a built-in Sous Vide, induction and gas, all on one cooktop. This is one sexy appliance that is something to be seen in person!

We're not all getting a 48" Pro Range? Where's Oprah?

While it would be lovely if we were all gifted a 48" Pro Range to try out, SKS Appliances provided a unique opportunity for designers to try cooking Sous Vide in another way.

SKS Appliances, along with the Designhounds, created an opportunity for 50 designers to be at home and virtually try out cooking Sous Vide and I was one of the lucky 50!

Sous Vide
SKS Sous Vide Event

We all received a package that included:

  • Anova Sous Vide Wand
  • Ingredients to make our own Limoncello
  • Recipe card and instructions

As I live in Canada and SKS Appliances is located in the United States, I was not able to get the freshly grown lemons or any of the vodka and Prosecco. Damn border rules!

I used lemons from the grocery story (South African if you wanted to know) and our own Vodka (100 proof which I found out after I added it). Hint: 100 proof is a bit strong!

Sous Vide
Getting ready to peel the lemons

Sous Vide
Mixing the booze and sugar

Sous Vide
Cooking Sous Vide with my new wand

Sous Vide
Ready to party and make our Limoncello Spritzer.

Here is the recipe card in case you wish to make your own.

Sous Vide
SKS Appliances Limoncello Recipe

What did I learn about cooking Sous Vide?

While I had the opportunity to see SKS Appliances at previous KBIS events, participating in this experience has certainly opened my eyes to cooking Sous Vide.

Cooking Sous Vide

provides down-to-the-degree control in the kitchen to deliver the most tender, flavourful food you’ve ever had. With Anova, it’s super simple to get restaurant-quality results from edge to edge.

Anova Culinary

With everyone focusing on a healthier lifestyle and cooking more at home, this is definitely a way of cooking that I strongly suggest you try! There are hundreds of recipes online and if you follow SKS Appliances on Instagram, Chef Nick has lots of yummy recipes there as well!

This week, I'll be trying out Sous Vide Hamburgers. I will let you know how that goes!

Sheri Bruneau

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With Valentine's Day just around the corner, why not make a scrumptious meal at home? Cooking Sous Vide really is not difficult at all. I've rounded up all that you will need to create yummy dishes in the privacy of your own home.

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