Balcony Reveal | One Room Challenge™ Comes to an End

The time has finally come for our One Room Challenge™ Balcony Reveal Project! I can not believe 8 weeks have come and gone. It really is amazing at how time flies when you're having fun. If you are new to my blog, below is the journey that my daughter and I took for her 61 sq ft balcony.

Small Balcony – But Mighty Week 1

Small Balcony Ideas For Space Planning Week 2

Designing A Small Space Balcony | The Curveball Week 3

Warming Up A Concrete Balcony Floor Week 4

Decorating Around A Black Palette Week 5

Design Inspiration | Week 6 DIY project

Balcony Lighting | Lighting up our One Room Challenge™ | Week 7

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The One Room Challenge™

The One Room Challenge™ is in its nineteenth season and is a widely anticipated biannual event. Every April and October the challenge begins. Twenty design influencers are selected to take the challenge, as Featured Designers, and transform a space. Every week, the designers document their process while sharing their sources and professional advice over eight weekly posts. You can see all of the featured designers here.

The ORC™ is also open to anyone with a blog or Instagram account to be a Guest Participant by linking their own room transformations up during the weeks. Each Thursday, we all post our projects. This year, I have met many new enthusiasts who are doing some amazing work!

As always, we thank Better Homes and Gardens who is the official media sponsor.

The Process

What we started out with

We started out with literally a blank slate!

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As you can see, all of the balconies are exactly the same.

Space Planning

Throughout this process, we designed a space with zones.

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We created zones for this 61 sq ft balcony | Sheri Bruneau, Designer

Our Foundation Palette

We used dark colours as our main palette.

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Dark furniture with dark flooring | Sheri Bruneau, Designer


Having a dark foundation palette allowed us to bring in colour.

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Pops of colour that were added to the dark foundation palette

The Reveal

Although 61 sq ft is not an overly big area, I feel we achieved exactly what my daughter was looking for. While she doesn't like loud or bright colours, when we revealed the space she said,

I have been used to sitting out here when it’s very empty. It feels very cozy out here!

Abby Bruneau

Enough of the back story - let's get to the reveal!

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The Balcony Reveal with the Calgary Tower in the background looking West. | Sheri Bruneau, Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

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Balcony styling by Debra Rubert | Sheri Bruneau, Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

Our DIY project channeling Kelly Wearstler | Sheri Bruneau Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

A bird's eye view. How I didn't throw up taking this picture, I will never know. | Sheri Bruneau Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

Adding in some personality to the single chair beverage zone. Sheri Bruneau Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

Keeping in mind the lovely large windows from the bedroom, the view is spectacular - even with furniture on the balcony. Sheri Bruneau Designer | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

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My daughter's view at night with her new lights.

While this space is only 61 square feet, I hope it gives you a sense of what you can create with a small space. There is no space that is too small to add comfort and joy (and colour).

Thanks for following along with this One Room Challenge™ journey. The next one is in the fall so if you're in the Calgary area and wish to have your space taken over and re-created, let me know as planning will be starting soon!

Shop the Look

When people see the head planter, they want to know where we bought it. While items for my daughter's balcony project were curated just for her, I have rounded up some whimsical planters and decor that you may wish to find living in your outdoor space.

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Appliance Review: Blomberg 24" Tall Tub Top Control Dishwasher


Balcony Lighting | Lighting up our One Room Challenge™ Week 7