Balcony Lighting | Lighting up our One Room Challenge™ Week 7

We are into week 7 in the One Room Challenge™ and this week, we're talking about lighting up a balcony. If you are new to my blog, we have been working on my daughter's first apartment balcony for this challenge. You can read all about our weekly progress here.

Small Balcony – But Mighty Week 1

Small Balcony Ideas For Space Planning Week 2

Designing A Small Space Balcony | The Curveball Week 3

Warming Up A Concrete Balcony Floor Week 4

Decorating Around A Black Palette Week 5

Design Inspiration | Week 6 DIY project

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The One Room Challenge™

The One Room Challenge™ is in its nineteenth season and is a widely anticipated biannual event. Every April and October the challenge begins. Twenty design influencers are selected to take the challenge, as Featured Designers, and transform a space. Every week, the designers document their process while sharing their sources and professional advice over eight weekly posts. You can see all of the featured designers here.

The ORC™ is also open to anyone with a blog or Instagram account to be a Guest Participant by linking their own room transformations up during the weeks. Each Thursday, we all post our projects. This year, I have met many new enthusiasts who are doing some amazing work!

As always, we thank Better Homes and Gardens who is the official media sponsor.

Lighting Up a Balcony

My daughter's balcony faces North. That means one end of the balcony looks to the East and the other end looks to the West. It's actually the perfect setting as she can enjoy the morning sun as well as the wonderful sunsets.

Balcony Direction

balcony lighting
My daughter enjoying a morning breakfast on her balcony.

Lighting for the balcony

As you may be able to see in the image above, we chose to use some string lighting for her space. We happen to have the same lighting for our outdoor space and we love how warm the lighting is.

I LOVE these lights and since one of our lighting suppliers had them in stock, I grabbed them. There are so many great things about this set including:

  • 24' of LED lights
  • There are 12 bulbs with 2700 kelvin bulbs
  • If needed, you can link up to 30 strings of lights!

Attaching Balcony Lights

While it was easy to determine what lights to get for the balcony, I wasn't exactly sure how to attach the lights. I didn't want to wrap them around the top rail. I did a little research and found that 3M had exactly what I needed.

While we didn't use the entire package, we have some left over in case any end up breaking. I have to say that these are the BEST clips I have used! They seem super sturdy and I was able to hang the balcony lights exactly like I wanted to!

What is especially great is that there is an outlet in the perfect spot on this balcony as well .

Next week is the big reveal! I'm looking forward to wrapping up this project and having my daughter enjoy her space throughout our summer. I hope you'll join me for the final reveal!

Other Balcony Lighting Options

String lights are not the only lighting options for an outdoor space. I have rounded up some other selections with some needing an electrical outlet, others simply running off solar power, and some that are battery powered. Perhaps there may be something for you!

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Balcony Reveal | One Room Challenge™ Comes to an End


Design Inspiration | Week 6 One Room Challenge™ DIY project