Smart Home Appliances: They're not only smart but sexy too!
I first started to write about smart homes after attending KBIS 2019 in February At that time, I had no idea that I would write about smart homes three more times!
I've written about good, better, and best options for a smart home as well as smart home switches. This week, I thought I would round out all of my posts by talking about smart appliances.
As you know, I recently completed my investment project and in this entire home renovation, I used smart appliances. But woah. They are not only smart, but they are also super sexy!
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Smart Home Appliances
When we purchased our Love At First Sight Project, I didn't know at the time that I would be using smart home appliances. What I did know is that I wanted to use black stainless steel appliances.
When I started to look at appliances, and what was in my overall renovation budget, I was immediately drawn to the Samsung line. Typically I look for function first but I will not lie - these appliances are super sexy! And speaking about function, as I am always wearing my 'mom hat', I was thrilled to know that this black stainless has a fingerprint-resistant finish!
I wanted to pick a counter depth as I knew the design of my kitchen would have tall pantries flanking either side of the fridge. I also knew that I wanted a lot of flexibility for the buyer. This fridge seems to have it all!
You can purchase the fridge here.

When it come to renovating a home, there is always a budget to consider. Bringing in a gas line was going to be too costly so I knew I was going to be looking for an induction range.
This range does not disappoint! What I love about this range is that you don't have to be by it all.the.time. This smart appliance can be connected to the app where you can remotely control the cooktop and oven. The app will also provide you with real-time alerts about your cooking!
You can purchase the range here.

I don't know about you, but the dishwasher gets used a lot in my home. And while I really don't care how it cleans dishes (I like the tech talk but not that kind of tech talk), I just want a dishwasher to do its job.
This smart home dishwasher, when connected to the app, can be turned on/off, you can select the cycles, and receive diagnostic information. Oh how there have been times in my home when I wish I could have remotely turned on the dishwasher!
You can purchase the dishwasher here.

While this microwave does not connect to the app (wouldn't that be great if the app could place food IN the microwave AND THEN cook it?), it does have some smart features.
The best feature has to be the moisture sensor. While I don't use a microwave a lot, there have been times where food has dried out. As Samsung has listed,
With the simple push of a button, the Moisture Sensor determines the interior air humidity, so the cooking mode and time can be automatically adjusted to ensure meals are always cooked perfectly.

You can purchase the microwave and trim kit here.
Washer and Dryer
OK - WHERE do I even begin with the washer and dryer? Let's start with the fact that washer and dryer each basically have two components in one!

I don't know how many times I have washed clothes only to forget to put them in the dryer. You know - you start a wash, get busy or are out all day, and then a couple days later - CRAP!
Both of these machines can be remotely controlled! I love that you can get alerts, start, stop and monitor every cycle remotely for both machines. Since getting my iWatch I find I'm using it more and more to remind myself for different things. I LOVE that the app can gently remind you to get off your ass and put the wash in the dryer!
You can purchase the washer and dryer here.

Smart Home Appliances
There are times when I think that our next generation is going to be dumb. They won't have to think for themselves and everything will be automated. But there are times when I am just so damn busy that I forget. I may forget the wash, I may forget to turn on the dishwasher. All of these smart home features would certainly simplify my life. And isn't that what it's all about?
On the Wish List
While this is not an appliance, I have to say that our next TV is definitely going to be this one from Samsung! This TV certainly falls into the smart category. Long gone are the days when an ugly TV has to be on your wall!
The motion sensor feature on this TV is wonderful for saving energy - and who doesn't want to do that? In addition, you can fully customize the artwork too.
You can purchase the TV here.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on smart home appliances. Are you a lover of smart appliances or could you leave them?