Preparing for a new ensuite
As I get back into the swing of things and blogging, it was brought to my attention that I hadn’t done a post like the one I’m writing here, in quite some time.
So…here I am writing a post on one of our upcoming renovation projects. Here’s a little sneak-peek at how we are preparing for a new ensuite bathroom project.
As Is
If you have read some of our blogs similar to this, you will know that we always (and I mean always) start with the As Is. There are a couple of reasons we start this way.
It’s the space we’re going to change so we need to see where things currently sit.
It’s a time for our clients to reflect on what is working and what is not.
It allows our clients to dream of a new space.
It allows us to create those dreams with design options.
Ensuite As Is Shower
This is what the shower currently looks like.
The view looking into the space
This view was taken from the door leading into the ensuite.
Original Plan
The original build plans. As you can see, there is one vanity that is on an angle and the attached closet is a very challenging space.
Our Plan
We always like to create a minimum of two plans.
One plan that is the budget friendly plan. Typically this plan does not involve moving any walls and keeping most, if not all, of the plumbing in the same space.
One plan that let’s the sky be the limit (within reason, of course).
Design Options
After spending some time with our clients, we got a sense of the feel and look they were hoping to achieve. We came up with two design options.
Option 1 - Keep Existing Floor Plan
While this option shows everything staying in place, nothing beats an ‘out with the old and in with the new’ project.
Option 2 - Let’s change things up
This option has included moving the entrance of the walk-in closet and moving one vanity. We really wanted to keep the bath and shower in the current locations.
And the winner is…
After reviewing the plans and going over the pros and cons (and there are always pros and cons for the design options), our clients decided they like their current layout and like the fact that the vanities are separated.
Time to pick out the pretty
When the decision was to stay with the existing layout, we started to hone in on the pretty. My client has a very strong direction she would like to go with her bathroom. Just to give you an idea, here are some inspirational photos she sent me.
Inspirational photo sent to me
I wish I knew who's work this is as I would really like to credit them. This was one of the inspirational photos that were sent to me.
Inspirational Photo sent to me
Again, I would love to give credit to who designed this space. My client really wishes to have some kind of tile feature in the shower.
Our Pretty
Following the direction of what was sent to me, we have come up with the following pretty for this space.
Here is a little sneak peek at some of the pretty that will be installed in this upcoming project | Sheri Bruneau Interiors
A 3D rendering of the potential | Sheri Bruneau Interiors
A 3D rendering of the potential | Sheri Bruneau Interiors
This project is set to start at the end of June and take us to completion in August. We can’t wait to bring the dream to reality for our clients.