Family Room Organizing Tips

I had another great turnout for my weekly webinar last week.  The focus last week was the Family Room (or Living Room or Bonus Room).  Unlike all of the previous webinars in this six week series, we started the webinar talking about Family Room design.


When I get called in to stage a home to get it ready to sell, about 90% of the time I have to bring up the fact that there is either too much furniture or the furniture is the wrong size for the space.  When you're dealing with either too much furniture or furniture that is too big for the space, there will never be any magic - and that includes the magic of being organized in these spaces.

Key Guidelines

Knowing some general 'rules of thumb' when it comes to placing furniture is key in having a good design as well as flow to your space.  If furniture is too small or too large, your living room, family room or bonus room will not feel balanced.  Here are some general measurements to consider:Furniture Placement


Typically these social spaces will have a T.V.  With T.V's getting bigger and bigger it's important that your space be able to accommodate the correct size T.V.  Here are some general guidelines to help:TV DistanceThere's no point in getting a 70" T.V. if you don't have the space to enjoy it.  Who wants sore, tired eyes when watching T.V.?**Please note: these are all just guidelines!**Once your space is designed for success, you can then start looking at how to get organized and stay organized in these spaces.  Here are some great examples of organized spaces that I shared in the webinar that have systems in place to stay organized:organized space2

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Your family room, living room or your bonus room are the social spaces in your home.  They also can quickly become a dumping ground.  When you have a great design layout as well as some organizational systems in place, you will be able to have a space where you can sit back and relax!

Next week - I'm tackling the Home Office!  I'll be talking about not only a great setup for your home office, but productivity tips as well.  I hope you'll be able to join me!

Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Sign up today for my Home Office Organizing webinar now! 

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