Creating a bedroom oasis | Organize and refresh your space

As part of my 5-part series to get your home organized and refresh for this new year, today we're going to spend some time in a room that often gets neglected. I'm going to walk you through the steps to create a bedroom oasis.

Primary bedrooms tend to be the last room that gets attention. I'm not sure why that is, but it just seems to be the case with many people. Yet, the bedroom is actually the room that we spend the most time in (even though our eyes may be closed)!

Creating a Bedroom Oasis

Starting Off

For most of the areas that I am covering in these e-courses, I always start by talking about the vision for your space.

Without a vision, you will never have a successful plan. Not having a vision is like walking with your eyes closed. How do you know where to go?

creating a bedroom oasis
Without a vision, you have nothing driving you to create the space of your dreams | Sheri Bruneau, designer | Image Source Taylor Prichard

In this series that focuses on the bedroom, I go into detail on how to figure out and really nail down how to create your vision. We start out working on the Primary Bedroom. I talk about why this is the place to start! While we start with the Primary Bedroom, my process can be used for every bedroom in your home.


In this section of the e-course, we dive into habits and why they are so important in maintaining an organized and refreshed bedroom.

While habits have nothing to do with design, they sure have everything to do with maintaining an organized space. For the room that we spend the most time unwinding and recharging our batteries, this is a huge step in the process.

creating a bedroom oasis
Creating habits is essential to creating that peaceful oasis | Sheri Bruneau, Designer

Tips and Tricks

Who doesn't love a good practical tip or trick? I"ll be sharing all of my best tips to getting your bedroom organized.

creating a bedroom oasis
We chose soft neutrals and used navy blue and cream to add some depth into this bedroom| Sheri Bruneau, Designer | Project date August 2017

Design Tips

What kind of course would this be if I didn't include some design tips? In this e-course, I'll be sharing some of my favourite tips including paint colour tips, lighting tips, and bedding tips. There is no point in purchasing anything that is either too small or too large. Let's plan it out together and do it right the first time!

And More…

You will receive my 6 step process to refresh any bedroom. This 6-Step process works with any bedroom in your home. In addition, I’ve made things easy for you. I have sourced many different tools, furniture, lighting as well as organizational items specific to the bedroom.

I look forward to sharing this module with you as well as the other spaces we will tackle each week.

creating a bedroom oasis

Click here to view the module

Sheri Bruneau


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