Closet Organizing Tips

Last week I hosted the Closet Organizing webinar.  Although the webinars are intended to go for one hour, I went over by fifteen minutes as there was so much to share!  I covered clothes closets, linen closets and coat/jacket closets.

Clothes Closet

It's often in clothes closet where it becomes hard to make decisions.

  • Do I wear this enough to warrant it taking up space in my closet?
  • When was the last time I wore this?
  • I am hoping to fit back into those jeans (some day).

One tip I shared was the hanger trick.hanger trick

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I even go as far to say,

"If you still have a hanger hanging backwards after the season has just passed, it's time tim give away that piece of clothing?"  ~Sheri

Seriously, if you have not worn it during the season that just passed, you will most likely not wear it next season! It's time to say good-bye to it and move forward.

Clothes Psychology

Part of not knowing what will stay and what will go falls in line with our own thinking.  Sometimes, it's our own sabotaging that we do to ourselves that allows us to become indecisive.

Clothes that don't fit

If you have gained or lost weight, keep the size that is one size smaller (or bigger).  If you have clothes sized 4,6,8,10 and you are currently a size 12, keep the size 10 and get rid of the rest.  You are more likely to get back into a size 10 sooner than a size 4 (and that's if you ever will fit into a size 4 again).  Stop those smaller clothes from taunting you every day you have to look at them.  PLUS, if and when you do get to a size 6, you deserve some new clothes - not dated ones!

too big

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The key with clothes is to give yourself permission to let go.  Let go of the ones that are too tight, too loose, too old. Let go of the fact that you spent a lot of money on your clothes.  You will NEVER get that money back.  You will never sell or consign those clothes for the same amount you paid for them.  You need to forget it and move on.  Move on with your clothes that fit you today!

special occasion

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I'm looking forward to next week as we tackle the entrances of our homes!

Sign up today for Organizing Your Entrance Webinar now! 

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