Why You Should Care About Getting Your Home Ready To Sell?

When I started this company six years ago, it was a residential organizing company.  I loved organizing spaces, loved helping people feel like they were getting back part of their lives they were missing, and generally just loved helping people.  I worked in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, home offices, garages, etc.  Two years ago I made a subtle shift to focus on organizing for relocation.  Why?  Moving stresses people out and we want to help!  It is our goal to take the stress away.  One way to take away some of the stress is to ensure your are organized in getting your home ready to sell.

Love to Organize


For most people, a home will be one of the biggest financial investments they will make.  When the time comes to sell that home, why wouldn’t you want to get the most money out of your investment?  Right now, my hometown of Calgary is in a sellers market.  Homes are being listed and sold very quickly.  While it’s easy to just plop a sign on your yard advertising that your home is for sale, there is actually a lot to do to get ready to list your home.

Home For SaleImage credit


Why should a homeowner even care to get their home looking even that much better than it already is?  Getting the interior and exterior organized for a sale can really make a huge impact.  I’m a firm believer in ensuring all the little things are looked after and taken care of.  When there are many little things that aren’t addressed, they add up quickly.  Why create doubt in a potential buyer’s mind?  Why allow a potential buyer to nit-pick and try to negotiate a lower price?Take the time to work on your curb appeal and ensure your interior will appeal to a variety of buyers.  Now that you’ve decided to sell your home, you need to view it as a product. You want to maximize the equity you secure from it.

Take Time For the Small ThingsImage credit

My advice, take the time now to do the work and you may be surprised at how you can reap the benefits with a quick sale.Sheri Bruneau  Get It Together

 If you would like others to fall in love with your home become a client today!

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