What Type of Clutter Do You Have?


I belong to a book club and we are starting our seventh year of being together.  I can't believe how fast the time has flown.  I also can't believe some of the fantastic (and not so fantastic) books we have read.  We recently read a book called The Happiness Project written by Gretchen Rubin.  When I went to purchase the book, I had a hard time finding it.Low and behold, it was in the 'Self-Help' section and not in the fiction section.  Hmmmm...a self-help book for book club?  I wondered how it was going to be.  I'm happy to report that I LOVED this book.  The first chapter - a whole section about 'Toss, Restore, Organize' - why wouldn't I love it?  What a way to start a book!  Gretchen has done a great job in breaking down they types of clutter that one can accumulate.  Here are some categories that Gretchen has identified in her own life:

  1. Nostalgic Clutter - things you hold on from your past that you don't need or use.  Things like old text books, old love letters, etc.
  2. Conservation Clutter - things you keep because they may be useful except they are useless to you. How many drinking glasses does one need in their home?  How many jeans can you wear?  Typically, you have your favorites - so keep those.
  3. Bargain Clutter - things you have purchased because they were on sale BUT items you don't need.
  4. Freebie Clutter - things you are given, things that are hand-me-downs or giveaways that you take but you have no need for them.
  5. Crutch Clutter - items that you own but know you shouldn't.  Gretchen uses the example of "...her horrible green sweatshirt."
  6. Aspirational Clutter - items you have that you really want to use, but don't.  Such as the skinny pair of jeans you don't quite fit into, the china you got when you were married, etc.
  7. Buyer's Remorse Clutter - items you hold onto because you bought them and if you don't keep them it would be considered a waste of money.

Do you find that you have any of the above types of clutter in your home or in your life?  If you do, know that you are not alone. The important part to understand when organizing and maintaining an organized life is acknowledging your triggers and knowing your self (inside and out).  So, next time you are shopping and there is a bargain or deal, ask yourself if you're really going to use it.   If someone wants to give you something, ask yourself if you are going to use it. If not, then say, “No thank you.”Take some time to go through a cupboard, a drawer, or your closet!  Any clutter in there?  If so, what kind is it? Take some time to go through your home. It's time!  It's time to 'Get It Together' (sorry - couldn't resist)!


One Life = One Calendar


Organizing Maintenance