Wellness in Design: Why is this so important for our lives? Part One

This past week, I had the opportunity to attend KBIS (Kitchen and Bath Industry Show) in Las Vegas. On the first day, I attended a panel session on wellness in design.

wellness in design
Wellness in Design | KBIS 2020 | Modenus Media

Wellness in Design

What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear 'wellness in design'?

Veronika Miller, who is the CEO of Modenus Media and who moderated the panel, stated that she used to think of wellness in design as involving grab bars in the design. The entire concept around 'aging in place' is often thought about. It's a common response.

We all age, there is no denying that! However, designing wellness into your home does not, and should not, just be about grab bars.

Areas of Wellness in Design

There were 5 areas of wellness that were discussed in great length:

  • Ventilation
  • Fitness and Health
  • Functionality
  • Accessibility
  • Comfort and Joy

Today, I am going to focus on the first two categories.


Having healthy air in a home is very important to our health and well-being.


When looking at designs that include a bathroom remodel, we discuss the fan in the current bathroom and how it is functioning . We may or may not feel it necessary to change it out.


For kitchen remodels, we discuss the hood fan and what needs are or are not being met by the current situation.

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Wellness in design | Kitchen Hood Fan |KBIS 2020 | Vent A Hood | Photographer Sheri Bruneau

The Home

What we often don't discuss is clear air and ventilation for the entire home. Why is that?

I think it is often not discussed as we assume our air is good OR we decide we're going to live with what we have.

There is one really, easy way to ensure that your indoor air quality is the best it can be. And why wouldn't we want better air quality? How can you simply do this in your home? Incorporate your design with


Using plants, and planning for plants in the design of your home, is one way to design for wellness.

Wellness in Design
Design by Laurence Carr

I had the opportunity to hear Laurence Carr, from Laurence Carr Design, and Jaime Gold, two queens of knowledge regarding Biophilic Design and designing healthy homes.

Wellness in Design
Jaime Gold (left) and Laurence Carr (right).

There was a sentence that Laurence had said that really stuck with me.

Our relationship with nature creates well being.

Laurence Carr

I want you to stop and think about what you do when you step outside after being inside all day.

I know what I do. The minute I step out of being inside all day, I take in a huge breath of fresh air, close my eyes, and breath deeply (you know - a good yoga breath). You can catch me do that every.single.time. And if the sun is shining, you'll also see a smile on my face! There is something magical that happens to our bodies when we breathe fresh air.

Using plants in your home is one way to help with creating healthy air in your home. Incorporating nature/plants in your home is also one part of the principle of Biophilic Design. Laurence wrote a great article titled, Simple Ways To Embrace Biophilia. I encourage you to read it and find out what plants are beneficial to your home, your health, and your air quality.

I know for my own process, this topic is going to be discussed and talked about with future clients.

Stunning bathroom designed by Laurence Carr adding in plants.

Fitness and Health

You're thinking exercise rooms right now, aren't you? Exercise rooms can part of wellness in your home (focusing on fitness), I am not thinking of gym equipment. I am thinking appliances.


For a minute, let's focus on the health part here.

  • What would you say if I told you there was a refrigerator that allowed you to keep your produce longer than ever before?
  • Would you love to stop wasting money on food that needs to be thrown out?
  • Did you know that families waste food to an estimated $1800.00 USD per year?
  • Do you think your cooking could allow you to stay at home and enjoy a healthy meal, at the kitchen table, with your family?

ALL of the items listed above CAN be done and can be part of your wellness plan for your home.

Signature Kitchen Suites

Below is Barry Bredvik, the National Sales Director - Signature Kitchen Suite. This company passionately believes about wellness!

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Barry Bredvik and Scott Kohler discussing Wellness in Design

From creating refrigerators that use wet evaporating systems that allow you to keep fresh produce for longer, to healthy cooking using Sous Vide, who knew your appliances can contribute to a healthier home? Did you know great appliance design could also add to the well-being of your home?

Wellness in Design
Signature Kitchen Suites | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

The LED True Illumination™ lighting on each shelf is wireless as well as angled to provide maximum lighting for food. What you may think is a little feature or may find yourself saying, 'So what?', I want you to think about seeing all of your food at an easy glance. The little things matter.

Wellness in Design
Signature Kitchen Suites | Photography by Sheri Bruneau

Can you see how each bin can be easily removed to be cleaned? Signature Kitchen Suites designed Lift and Go™ bins and drawers. Each bin easily lifts out and is dishwasher safe. A clean refrigerator is a healthy refrigerator.

I'll be talking more about appliances that I saw and learned about in a future blog post.

Bringing this back to creating a healthy home, I encourage you to think of appliances as part of wellness in your home. Remember, wellness goes well beyond having a gym in your home!

Pretty ways to add plants to your home

Below are some very pretty ways that you can add plants to your home.

The items below may contain affiliate links. Any purchases, at no additional charge to you, are most appreciated and make this blog possible.

Next week, I'll be going into depth on Functionality, Accessibility, Comfort and Joy and how they come into play in designing wellness into your home. I hope you'll join me.

Wanting to discuss how we can help you with your wellness design for your home? Contact us here.


Wellness in Design Part Two: Function, accessibility, comfort and Joy


Kitchens and Baths: Sharing my KBIS 2020 experience with you.