Turn Your Dumping Rooms to Multipurpose Rooms

Do you find you have one room where you store things you find unnecessary or are keeping things to maybe use in your house yet you can't throw them away? If you find yourself stuck in this situation, then think twice because that dumping room of yours actually holds a much higher value to be occupied wisely.  Once you realize the burden this room holds, own the initiative to follow these easy steps to make it become your favorite room to go to and have fun.

Organize your stuff

What Should I Keep

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The very first and common thing to do if you are ready to have your room take on a Cinderella journey is to organize your “dumped” stuff. This also means taking out unused and insignificant belongings stored like boxes, scratch papers, broken furniture and appliances and others. Gain the courage to bring them out of your life if they are not bringing any benefit to you anyway. Constantly ask yourself while organizing their importance to you. If you think they are or will still be worthy and advantageous, then you may opt to keep them but also find a place or a way for them to be used or at least not be neglected. For those to be thrown out, evaluate whether they can still be sold for, you just might earn a few more bucks for the transformation of your dumping room.

Clean everything

After clearing out the once huge dumping area of the house, clean every edge and surface of the room.  Wipe out the dust on the furniture and fixtures, and take out the spider webs hanging on the ceiling and walls. If you have a carpet on your floor, make sure you wash them thoroughly or simply ask for cleaning services like those provided by Carpet Cleaning Adelaide. Don’t forget to clean the things you will still keep to also make them look and feel new.

Decorate accordingly

Small Library

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If cleaning the room is still not enough to change the ambiance it gives off into a fresh one, paint the walls with a new color, put different lightings and add other necessary decorations. If you want it to become a guest room, you may want to use wallpaper and put decorate with bedside tables, lamps and picture frames. Your dumping space can also be transformed into an entertainment room with a mixture of warmer and darker lighting.  Adding in a comfortable couch or even bean bags to enjoy watching your favorite movies more may be something to add.  Or,  you can set up your own little library with bookcases or cabinets to store your book collection.Now that these simple yet also painful steps on how to change your unvisited dumped room into a new multipurpose one are presented, it is now your turn to be brave and be ready for the great makeover to happen. But even after all these efforts done, make sure you continue organizing, keeping the good and throwing or selling the bad stuff, and cleaning your rooms because there will always still be a possibility to unknowingly keep a pile of rubbish to only consume unnecessary space.

 About the Author

Pria Luz is a full-time mom to her two year old darling angel. She's a homemaker, event organizer and DIY enthusiast. Follow her on twitter @prialuz.


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