Stress-Free Holidays

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks. Dressed in holiday style.In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas.” (Silver Bells)

As we get closer to Christmas, the roads are busier, the area around the mall is busier (including the mall), and people seem to be in a rush to get everywhere!   Yes, there definitely is, “In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas.”December can be a stressful time for individuals and families.  There are Christmas concerts at school, shopping, baking, sending out cards, etc.  This year, pull out some of the stress that the season may bring by doing the following:1. Write down ALL the things that you need to do before the holidays.  Some common ‘jobs’ are:•    Holiday decorating•    Cooking•    Baking•    Socializing•    Cards•    Gift giving•    Crafts•    Family traditions2. For each task, break it down even further into everything that needs to happen.  For example: holiday bakingi    Gather up the recipesii    Create a grocery list for ingredientsiii    Shop for groceriesiv    Unpack groceriesv    Bakevi    Clean upvii    Store baked goodiesAlthough holiday baking sounds like it’s one job, there are actually many facets to the job!3. Looking at your list, identify the aspects that you MOST enjoy. For the activities you do not enjoy, decide what can either be eliminated or what can be delegated to someone else.  For example, if you really don’t enjoy baking, do not sign up for a cookie exchange.4. Once you have decided on the jobs you like to do and need to get done and the jobs that can be delegated, start a running list of all the tasks.  Set a date to either do the task or set a due date that you would like to have the task completed.  If you are delegating some of the tasks, place the name of the person who is going to complete the task.  Check off each task as you complete them.Some final holiday-stress tips:

  • Give your time a value!  Traveling half way across the city to get a bargain may not be worth your time and effort.
  • Delegate!  Stop trying to do everything yourself.  Ask yourself, "Where is it important that I spend my time?  How do I want to spend my time?”
  • Remember: if it can only be done 'your way', then YOU will be the only one who can do it!

Happy Holidays everyone!


Focusing on Your Strengths


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