Simple Spring Changes For Your Home

I had some shopping to do today for a client and happened to be in one of my favorite stores - IKEA.  Although is was quiet in the store, there were many renovations going on.  Departments have been moved to different areas, new stock had arrived and the old stock was on sale!  Yesterday, I happened to be in Staples and the same thing was going on!  A total reno going on in Staples.For many people, spring is the time when there is renewed energy as we come out of hibernation. So, how does one see or feel 'change' in their home?  Here are a few tips:1. Move your furniture around.  It's amazing how a room can look when furniture has been moved (and yes, that might mean taking some furniture out).2. Get the windows washed!  I know that sounds funny, but over the winter we have had some pretty strange (and COLD) weather.  With it so dusty here there is bound to be a layer on your windows.  Get them washed (inside and out).3. Add some simple colour changes - new toss cushions, maybe some new lampshades, perhaps a new piece of art on the wall, or...  The possibilities are endless!4. A new coat of paint can sometimes have your home go from drab to fab! Keep the same colour or spice things up by changing.5. My personal favorite:  de-clutter!  Take one room in your home and be ruthless as you go through it.  It is amazing how much stuff can accumulate over the winter months. I truly believe in, 'less is more!'The feeling of change (trees are starting to bud, the days are getting longer, etc.) is all around us. Take some time to make some simple changes in your home!


Maintaining A Newly Organized Space


HELP! I Don't Even Know Where To Start!