Renovation delay: Handling a curve ball in a renovation

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As you may know, I am currently working with clients to refresh their basement area.  This week we ran into a renovation delay that I honestly was not expecting.renovation delay

Basement Refresh

Although there is no real construction going on in the home, there are significant changes taking place in this basement project:

  1. A new metallic cement floor.
  2. Install of a new bar area.
  3. A redesigned TV area.
  4. New laundry room area to include a sink and dishwasher.
  5. All new furniture.

You can read more about this project here.


Below is the timeline that I had set up for this project:

  1. Remove existing stain/paint on the floor
  2. Fill in the indents to make the floor look like one large slab of concrete.
  3. Stain with a new metallic coating
  4. Electrical rough-ins
  5. Cabinet install
  6. Baseboard install
  7. Plumbing final
  8. Final paint
  9. Install of new furniture

Renovation Delay


Looking at the timeline it looks pretty straightforward, right?  While the painting crew was using a machine to take off the existing stain, they found that the stain was balling up and making removal extremely difficult.  As a result, they have had to stop using the machine and remove all of the stain by hand.  Yes - by hand!   This has caused a 2-day delay as there is a lot of floors!

My Facebook live video to explain and show what is happening.

Renovation Delay: Glass half empty

In life, we have choices.  When it comes to renovations and delays, we also have a choice as to how to handle them.  The ‘glass half empty’, negative way is to get mad, make a stink, and quite possibly say something you may regret the next day.  For this project, this is putting me back 2 days.  For me, it’s really not a big deal BUT for my clients, it is huge!  They have a dog, they have adult kids who have their rooms in the basement.  They have moved their washer and dryer out and will be without a washer and dryer for two more days.  You can say it with me.


Renovation Delay: Glass half full

If there is one thing that the Mr. has taught me in the 25 years that we have been married it is to try and see things in a positive way.  The ‘glass half full’ way.  For this project, here is my glass half full perspective:

  1. The painters notified me right away of the curveball they hit with the floor.
  2. There was a plan of action laid out to get done in a timely manner.
  3. The crew cared to do the job right the first time. Their name and their reputation are on the line, so I truly appreciate them caring to do it right the first time.
  4. The floor is going to be perfect.

So, while we are delayed two days, in the end, we are doing what is right.

Renovation Delay: How you handle things

I always try to find the ‘glass half full’ way to look at things – especially with a renovation.  Can you imagine if I chose the ‘glass half empty’ way to handle curveballs and renovation delays?Renovation delays are not something we enjoy.  Trust me - we enjoy seeing projects wind up just as our clients do. But when there are curveballs and delays, it's how you react and move forward (with a plan) that will ensure the job is completed correctly.  The next time a delay happens to you, which way will you choose to handle it?Sheri Bruneau Get It Together


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