Pumpkin Spice: Is there a place for it in your home?

You can just feel it. The cooler air in the morning and night, the leaves changing, and the ads for Pumpkin Spice (Starbucks, I'm looking at you)!

While I'm personally not a fan of pumpkin spice beverages, I am a HUGE fan of fall colours. The question remains, is there a place in your home for pumpkin spice?

Here are 3 ways to add a little pumpkin spice to your home using 3 of our senses: touch, sight, and smell.

  1. Start with textiles

    A toss cushion is most likely the easiest way to add in new colour for your home. Use the same insert and simply changing the exterior (cover). This way, you don't have to store multiple toss cushions throughout the year. Simple change the exterior and fold up the 'out of season' one.

    In addition to some toss cushions, adding in some fall throws is also a great way to add that pop of fall colour to your space.
    pumpkin spice

  2. Add decor pieces

    I have one personal rule that I follow. Less is more. There's no need to fill an entire room full of fall decor and have you space feel like a store. Subtle is the key.
    pumpkin spice

  3. Do you smell what is cooking?

    While I tend to have a sensitive sniffer (I can smell stuff a mile away), there are subtle ways to add a little bit of pumpkin spice into your home.

    Whether it's through store bought scents or whether you create them on your own, nothing beats the smell of fall this time of year.
    pumpkin spice

Pulling it all together

So how exactly do you pull this all off? What combinations can I put together? I thought that I would make things easy and curate items from two of my favourite stores.

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Will you see yourself adding a little pumpkin spice into your home?

Sheri Bruneau


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