Mother's Day - Why I've got 3 things on my list this year

I will warn you now, this is not exactly going to be a renovation post. I'm not going to lull you into sleep about supply chain issues, backorders, tracking orders, and pulling out my hair. And you can bet your sweet you-know-what I'm not going to be talking about Covid either. Today, I'm going to focus on moms today and maybe throw in a little bit of humour along the way. So what is my Mother's Day wish?

Mother's Day

Whether you are a mom of fur babies, to human babies, or a motherly figure to others, I think it's safe to say that this has been quite the year for us. I'm going to give you a little insight as to what my last year has been like.

Peace and Quiet

Nope - not one ounce of this past year has been peaceful or quiet. With the Mister working down the hall from my home office, all I hear is yelling. Not screaming, but yelling. Yelling into his computer like he's miles away (I guess he is miles away when I think of it).

What was once a peaceful and quiet home office for me has been filled with background nose that I wish I could turn down, but I can't. There isn't a solid core door thick enough to block out that noise.

To add to all of this, I have to consistently remind the Mister that when he's talking to me, I don't need to be yelled at. I am literally 2 steps away! My Mother's Day wish is for some peace and quiet.

Mother's Day
Peace and quiet

Dishes everywhere

Let me be clear, my version of everywhere is this: dishes where they shouldn't be. In my home, over the last year, there are clearly dishes where they shouldn't be.

When the kids were little, the place to eat was in the kitchen. There are two spots in my home to eat: either at the island or at the table - nowhere else. Somehow, this work-from-home has changed my "house rules". I see dishes come upstairs and I see dishes sit in a home office for days. Deep breath in Sheri. My Mother's Day wish is for everyone to eat in the kitchen.

Mother's Day
Stress-free clean kitchen

Why is my house always dirty?

If you know me, you know that a clean house makes me extremely happy and calm. An untidy and unkept house make my shoulders skyrocket past my ears. Having adults in the house, every day - all day - makes it really tricky to keep my house clean. My family knows my saying after I've cleaned:

I've just cleaned the house so please make sure you tidy up after yourself and don't make a mess.

Sheri Bruneau - after cleaning

Sure as shit the next day, there's a mess. My Mother's Day wish is for a clean home for more than 1 day.

Mother's Day
Clean and tidy

My Mother's Day Wish

While there is truth to all of the above, I do feel I need to point out something. I wouldn't change it for the world! I know we are safely working from home, I know our commute is non-existent, and I know we eat together more as a family (due to the non-existent commute). There are certainly some plusses.

Unlike past years where I've never asked for anything, this year I have a 3 wishes. In no particular order, here they are:

  1. Noise cancelling headphones. My trusted little Bose headphones broke and I'm on the hunt for new ones.
  2. To be all by myself. I used to relish the quiet time I had in the house to myself. There has only been one time in my life where I had a 'spa day'. I was with my girlfriend and we were gifted the entire day at the spa. I still remember her husband picking us up after a day of relaxing therapies and wine. One of my other girlfriends let me know of a local spa she just attended and raved about it. I would love a day to myself. No talking to anyone, no cleaning. Just peace and calm
  3. As you know, I love experiences as gifts (and I guess you can call the spa an experience, right?). If the spa does not pan out, I'd love to experience any golf course in the Rocky Mountains. While we've golfed at Kanasakis Golf before, I would love to be in the rockies and be golfing.

If gifting is your thing, and you're looking for some Mother's Day gifts, I've rounded up some selections that I know I would love if I was to receive them. Maybe they'll be on your list to.

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