Merry Christmas: My thoughts as the year winds down

I'm wishing every one a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. I'm sure we can all agree what a shit-show 2020 has been. And while we get ready to start a new year, we all know that when the clock strikes midnight on December 31, things won't magically change. We will still be facing Covid and everything it has brought us.

  • The loss of family and friends
  • Many have a experienced a loss of jobs
  • Travel was definitely missed
  • And the loss of.....(fill in the blanks).

Merry Christmas
I took this photo when we snuck away for weekend get-away to Emerald Lake Lodge | 7 days before our first lock down and before shit hit the fan.

But while we can all think of the losses, I wish to look at the 'founds'. Since Covid hit our country, all of us have sacrificed something. And with sacrifice, there has been some good. Many have found

  • the value of family and friends.
  • local businesses to support.
  • destinations that are close to travel and experience.
  • new activities to enjoy.

Merry Christmas
Working out at home became the 'norm'. While I enjoyed going to the gym, I do love the walk to our gym (instead of the drive).

Last year, I wrote a little fun blog about my favourite Christmas Songs. I always find music to be up lifting. It's something that definitely soothes my soul.

So as we celebrate Christmas this year, this just seems to sum it all up.

Merry Christmas

Wishing you peace and calm in your homes each and every day.

Merry Christmas!

Sheri Bruneau


A Year in Review: What kept us busy and out of trouble in 2020


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