Keeping track during a renovation : A Sneak Peak at my Lists

This past weekend I went on a shopping trip with clients to solidify items for their renovation project.  I don't typically work on the weekends however this project falls in the 'special' category.  What makes this project 'special'?  This project is on a tight timeline as it is an investment property.  The quicker this property gets renovated, the faster it can be listed to sell.  I knew that shopping with my clients on a Saturday was going to be WAY more productive compared to me brining in samples, discussing the pros and cons of each, and then having me take samples back.  I know that keeping track during a renovation is essential.  By keeping track, everything is documented, organized, and most importantly the project can stay on budget and on time.

Keeping track during a renovation

As you may be aware, I'm a total list person and process person.  When I create systems to streamline my business I get all excited!  I know that sounds crazy, but it's a total high for me.  Say the word 'list' and watch my eyes get wide with excitment!When it comes to any renovation, here is a simplified process I follow (note: this is only a partial list of my process for the entire project):

  1. Design the space and/or spaces.
  2. Create a list for each space (what needs to be purchased).
  3. Keep track of items.

Keeping track during a renovation: Design

Once the design has been approved, I always bring my laptop with me for my shopping trips.  I don't like to waste paper so I typically don't print off the design.  I would rather bring my laptop with me to open up the plan (if need be).Here is the master ensuite that we were specifically shopping for:Keeping track during a renovation

Keeping track during a renovation: Keeping Track

As I have said before, I am a total list person.  I have created a system that I use for each space.  For this master ensuite I have the following lists:

  1. Sourcing Sheet
  2. Sourcing Updates

Sourcing Sheet

For this sheet, I have a template that I have created that includes everything and anything that may possibly go into a master ensuite.  Here is a glimpse of the sheet:

Keeping Track Sheet

Once I solidify where we are going to get certain items, then it's time to track when:

  • Pricing was received for the item.
  • The item was ordered
  • The item was paid for.
  • The order was received.
  • The order was delivered to the job site.

Here is a sneak peek at my list:

Keeping track during a renovation: Why?

When I am sourcing from a lot of different vendors, it is extremely important to keep track where I sourced things, what the price was, and if we are going to go ahead and order or purchase those items.  I typically like to have all the items onsite when the demo begins.  This ensures there are not delays in waiting for product.  Being proactive as opposed to reactive is how I role!Going back to my shopping day with my clients, we were able to solidify a ton of things in just under 2 1/2 hours!  Not only did we solidify most things for the master ensuite, we also pounded out the entire home colour palette including the hardwood stain and all of the main floor wall colours.  Here is what we solidified (and if you don't already know, when I solidify things I say, 'we bagged it')!While I have a few more things to source for this main floor renovation, a productive day is a successful day!Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Looking at your upcoming renovation project and feeling overwhelming already?  Not sure where to start?  Contact me today to discuss your project.

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