What happens in Vegas will not stay in Vegas: An insider look at KBIS

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I will be traveling to Las Vegas on Monday and I'm giving you my insider look at KBIS 2019. I know most of you do not attend this show and for me, this is THE ONE that I will not miss! In fact, there are actually two big industry shows - the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) and the International Builder's Show® (IBS). I am extremely fortunate to be attending both!

Last year, I was part of an exclusive group and part of a blog tour hosted by Modenus. We had jam-packed days filled with learning, learning, and learning (ok - and just a wee bit of fun)! This year, I am attending this event on my own and crazy enough, I have scheduled myself in to see many suppliers and companies. This is gearing up to be another fantastic learning opportunity! Here's a sneak peek at how I have prepared my days to provide you with an insider look into KBIS.

Day 1

insider look at kbis

I have strategically chosen these companies as I either do a lot of work with them and/or I want to see what is new, what is improved, and more importantly, what my clients could potentially use for their upcoming renovation. I plan to use this day to see as many other suppliers as well. I'm sure my Instagram and Facebook feeds will be full of my insider look at KBIS.

Day 2

This day is filled with a lot of professional development. I look forward to seeing the New American Home Tour as I missed that last year due to a late incoming flight. Of course, the day will wind down with a fantastic social event - The Bash. The event starts at 8:30 pm and if you know me, I'll most likely be back in my hotel room by 10:00 pm (and that's pushing it)!

Insider Look At KBIS

When friends hear that I'm off to Vegas to attend KBIS, I get a typical response.

You're going to have such a great time. There's so much to do in Vegas. Which show(s) will you be seeing?

I do get the giggles as I write this. I'm such a nerd as there are no shows in my agenda. Truly, I am there for business. And while I will attend The Bash on Wednesday night, I'm there to focus. I have a strategy for each day (I know...don't laugh) and plan to write many blogs when I return. I find that the more information I can arm myself with, the better designer I will be. To give you a little insider look at KBIS, and provide you just how extensive this show is, take a look at the halls below, and all of the vendors and suppliers that will be attending!

insider look at kbis
South Hall

insider look at kbis
North Hall

insider look at kbis
Salon by KBIS

insider look at kbis
Central Hall

I hope you enjoyed my insider look at KBIS and hope you'll join me for a wonderful week of learning. I look forward to updating everyone on all the exciting new things from KBIS as well as items from the IBS.


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