Holiday Recharge: back from holidays and back to the grindstone!

Two years ago I made the committment to blog every week.  There has not been a Monday that I have not posted a blog and tomorrow is no different.  As I sit here on a Sunday afternoon, the day before I publish a new blog, I am finding that I am still on holiday mode.  I have been away for two weeks to Maui, Hawaii and I am honestly struggling to be motivated to write.  I believe my mindset is: "I have just one more day!" That being said, I know how important blogging has been for my business and how it has educated my clients and future clients.  So while I had a great two-week holiday recharge and just relaxed and unwound, I know it's time to get my mind-set back into the swing of things!Social media plays a huge part in my business.  I am consistent with my postings for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + as well as Instagram.  What I am careful about is posting when I am away or on a holiday.  I don't like to 'advertise' that I am away.  I like my privacy and really enjoy sharing good content but being humble all at the same time.   I keep my vacations a 'secret', until I am home.  Then I'll share some great photos or memories of our holiday.  Here are a few great photos (at least I think they are as they all bring back some fun, amazing memories).holiday recharge

The view from our lanai from our condo. 

holiday recharge

The amazing sunsets - you just can't beat! 

Holiday Recharge: Hard to turn it completely off!

While on this particular holiday, I really tried to 'shut down' and not think of work. I worked extremely hard prior to leaving to ensure everything was going to be taken care of (especially those projects where construction was going on).  I also found it challenging to totally shut off.  When I came across the furniture in the lobby of The Four Seasons Maui my mind went quickly into, "...that would be a great post on Instagram!"

holiday rechargeThe Four Seasons - Maui lobby furniture

holiday recharge

Love this sofa in the Four Seasons Maui lobby!

When I look back at all of my blog posts, I came across this one that I wrote the last time I came back from Hawaii.  "WHAT THE ALOHA SPIRIT HAS TAUGHT ME ABOUT RUNNING MY BUSINESS"

 This post truly signifies what I believe I feel when I work with clients.  And I'm happy to report although that post was written almost a year ago, I still feel the same.While I enjoy my last day of 'holidays' today, I am thinking of all the great projects that are going on right now, the ones that are in the design phase as well as those that are 'on deck' and ready to start (and thank you to my wonderful clients to wait until I got back from holidays)!  I am grateful for my 'extended family' of clients who continue to put their trust in me.  A huge, heartfelt "mahalo nui loa."Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Thinking about an upcoming renovation project?  Download my FREE Printable guide: 7 Steps to Renovate with Confidence here! 

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