Growth and Change

I just spent three days at the Calgary Home + Garden Show with my General Contractor talking to people about renovations.  We met so many great people who are looking for guidance for their home renovation project.  With so many choices and options, it's easy to quickly feel overwhelmed.  As someone who will be undergoing a major reno ourselves, I know full well what having a budget means and trying to stretch that budget to get everything on the wishlist!
Since leaving the teaching profession many years ago, it really has been a crazy ride.  And by crazy I mean crazy in a GREAT way!  One of my friends recently asked me how I went from organizing spaces to handling renovations and designing spaces.  So here's my response in a nutshell:
  • When I left the teaching profession after teaching for 17 years, I started my business as a Professional Organizing business - organizing homes, offices, etc.  I've always known an organized home equates to a calm family.
  • I started working with real estate agents organizing homes (not staging homes) to get them ready to sell.  Wanting to learn more about staging I went back to school and received my Professional Staging Certification.  It made sense that the two went together (organizing and staging).
  • Typically paint colour can make a huge impact and when you're looking at selling a home, it can make or break a deal.  Having wall paint that works with the rest of the home is one of the quickest and most cost effective way to make a change in a home.  That led me to going back to school again and receiving my True Colour Expert™ Certification.  
  •  This past fall, one real estate agent I work with introduced me to a new client of his.  The goal was to make her new home pretty to live in.  You know, some simple paint changes, some fixture updates, etc.  Well, the project ended up being an almost full gut renovation job.  All three levels were refreshed with the exception of two bathrooms.
  • Enjoying the townhouse project, I went back to school again  and completed a Renovate With Confidence program.  Learning the 'ins and outs' of planning a successful renovation was something that I was interested in.  I guess it was a way to ensure that I was delivering everything I could for clients.
  • Shortly after, I learned how to create digital floor plans.  I'm a techy geek at heart and love being able to show clients a rendering of what their space is going to look like.  I also love being able to give my General Contractor a blueprint to make his job easier to get a permit!  Hey - it's a win-win.
  • For the other aspects of my business that I used to look after, like assisting people with moving, helping seniors with various tasks,  I'm ok with letting those services go.  I have met so many great local companies that I don't even have to think twice about referring them as I know they will all do a fantastic job!  
life is a journey
Making some hard decisions regarding my business has never been easy.  I have enjoyed every aspect of what I have tried and what I continue to do. I know that I have found my true passion and continue to educate myself in the real estate industry.  I love seeing a home transform right under my eyes and knowing I had a hand in making it beautiful...there's just no other feeling.
If we've worked together or know me personally, you will know I'm not a sitter, I'm a 'do-er'.  Nothing is more rewarding than being thrown a challenge and coming up with ways to make it work.  I'll update you soon on a custom desk that my General Contractor and myself will be building (by hand) this coming week to ensure the space I designed works.  Plan A wasn't going to be an option (due to the budget) so we're on to Plan B.  All I can say is, "Bring it on!"  
As this newer avenue of my business is evolving, I am finding that I too am evolving and really starting to find my voice with my blog. When I first started to blog I worried that I would hurt someone's feelings or I would piss someone off.  Truly, the amount of editing I did took hours and hours.  I would write what I really thought and then changed it to take out the swear words and then try and word-smith how so it would say what I wanted to say in a nicer way.  Can you imagine how long it used to take me to do report cards when I was a teacher all those years ago?  Oh - the hours and hours I spent making it all sound nice.  Now - I guess you can say I've grown up (finally!)  I say it like it is.  If it looks like shit, I'm going to tell you it looks like shit.  So, if I offend you, either by my language or my tone, this is my one and only apology (and yes mom and dad - sorry for the occasional swear).  If you know me personally, you know I swear - so you'll most likely be seeing that in a blog (or two).
 do you swear?
I had one reader recently email me and tell me, " I always feel like I have had a visit with you after I read your emails!" For me, that was such a great compliment that had me smiling all day long.  That is exactly how I want you to feel!
So, as I continue to grow along with growing my business, I want to thank you for taking this  journey with me.  
~​ May you find peace and calm in your spaces ~​
 Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

When it comes to renovations and work done in your home, you just can not afford to make a mistake!  Send me an email to discuss your home.

One of the biggest investments one can make is the investment of a home and I believe you should LOVE coming home.

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