Couples Organizing Together

February!  Ahhhh…the month of love (and chocolate).  I’m sure you have all heard the saying, “Many hands make light work.”  Well it’s true, especially when it comes to organizing! Why not spend some quality time with your significant other, a loved one, or a friend and tackle one area of your home?  Here are some tips to get you through:

  1. Clear out the entire area that you will organize (maybe a boot-room, your closet, a drawer, etc.)
  2. Sort through what you have.  Spread everything out in a different room and make common ‘piles’.
  3. Purge any items. Reminisce the “fun times”, enjoy the memories, have a good laugh, etc.
  4. Assess what you have and be realistic about the space that it has to go back to. (Do you really need that shirt from 1970?)
  5. 5.   Containerize – are there any items that could go into containers/bins in order to keep the neatness? (scarves , mitts, could fit into a nice little basket)
  6. 6.   Equalize – set a ‘date’ when you are going to do this again (Easter? Thanksgiving? Next weekend? etc.)

Before you begin, it might be a good idea to lay down some ground-rules like:

  • Make an agreement that you will respect what each person has to say.  After all, it is the month for love!
  • Chose an area of your home that you both can agree on.

Once you have finished your space, celebrate all of your hard work!  Go for a great quiet dinner, have a glass of wine, eat some chocolate,or ………I’ll leave that up to you!Blog post originally posted in 2010.


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