Bedroom Organizing Tips

On Tuesday of this week I hosted an "Organize Your Bedroom" webinar.  Bedrooms are intensely personal spaces. In my opinion, everything in a bedroom should indicate rest and relaxation. So how you do you create a bedroom so it is the most calming private spaces possible - so that you can relax and have a great sleep in your home every night?

Start With A Vision

There is no point in thinking about decorating and organizing a bedroom until you have a vision for that space.  If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, when you have a vision for your bedroom everything else you do  - whether that is getting it organized, decorated, or both - always comes back to that vision.  Do you want your bedroom to be:

  • romantic?
  • peaceful?
  • serene?
  • calming?

Your vision for your space does not have to be complicated.  For example, the vision for my master bedroom is this: "I want a place to come to at the end of the day where I can feel calm and relaxed.  Where I can read a bit of my book and have the best sleep of my life."  Sheri Bruneau

Getting To Your Vision

Let's take my vision and break it down to show how to get there.

Wanting to feel calm and relaxed

How do I achieve that?  Well, I know for myself  to feel calm and relaxed, I don't want to see any clutter on flat surfaces.  That includes receipts lying around on the dresser, loose change, business cards (and if you haven't guessed it yet - this is all crap hubby leaves laying around).  I also know that I don't want to see any laundry lying on the floor or on surfaces.  We have a nice closet as well as a dresser for our clothes.  That's where they belong (oh boy...I will need to ensure hubby reads this one) :)  I also know that part of me feeling calm and relaxed has to deal with bedding and colour.  Soft colours, spa-like blues, is exactly what calms me.As we start a renovation in our home this winter, our master bedroom will be undergoing a little makeover.  The image below is exactly the look and feel that I'll be going for.master bedroom

Image credit

A Place to Read My Book

I belong to a book club so I read a lot.  The best place in my home to read (as I need peace and quiet to concentrate) is my master bedroom.  To achieve this and have this as part of my vision, I need a space to read.  From a decorating point, that means I need good lighting to read.reading lamps master bedrrom

Image credit

Is it ok if the lamps don't match like in this image?  You bet!  I actually prefer to have the lamps not be matchy-matchy.  Having two different lamps gives the room some character.

The Best Sleep Of My Life

We spend anywhere from 6 - 8 hours a day in our beds (hopefully at least 6 hours a night).  I am such a huge believer of this:  have beautiful bedding and a good mattress!  This is one area where you don't want to skimp out and be cheap.  Treat yourself to a great sleep every.single.night.

Habit and Routines

As we talked about in the webinar, having habits and routines are essential in maintaining an organized space.  Although I won't go into detail all of the habits and routines we talked about, I do want to mention one very important routine that I firmly believe in.

Making Your Bed Every Day

When I saw Peter Walsh live a couple of years ago, he talked about this exact topic.  Peter believes that the master bedroom, and the state that it is in, sets the tone of the entire home.  If the master bedroom is in disarray, chances are the entire home will also be in disarray.  One quick way to set the tone for your home is to make your bed every day.  I happened to read this great article on why someone should make their bed everyday.  I especially loved this when I read it.  Naval Adm. William McRaven, a Navy Seal, says the following: ..."if you can’t do the little things right you’ll never do the big things right." The article titled Make Your Bed Every Day gives 5 reasons why making your bed every day could improve your life and, just maybe, change your life.make your bed

Read Make Your Bed Everyday here

Making your bed is something that doesn't take a ton of time - but can make such an impact with the entire state of your home.

I’m looking forward to next week as we tackle the living room and family rooms!Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

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