Bathroom Layout Plans

I'll be the first to admit this:  I'm a visual person.  When I go to a client's home and see the space they wish to renovate, I immediately start forming pictures in my mind.  I start digesting the things I hear my clients talk about for their wishes for their new space.  If you could open up my head, I'm sure you'd see the wheels turning, gears moving in all directions, and the sound of a New York City rush hour - there is that much going on in my little head. Here is an insight into two bathroom layout plans that I've been working on for my clients.

Bathroom Layout Plans: Conceptual Renderings

Part of my process that I work through with clients is formulating conceptual renderings.  Conceptual renderings are my initial plans that I have for the space.  Typically, I like to give at least 2 options so my clients have something to compare.

I use a computer generated software program to create these conceptual renderings.  I have the ability to provide both 2D and 3D plans so my clients can see what I've got planned.  It is during this rendering and conceptual design phase that I work with my clients to go over every aspect of the design.  Below is a little video that I've put together to show two master bathroom concepts.  Please note, lighting is not placed correctly at this stage and in Option 1, there still needs to be some changes to the toilet location.

Bathroom Layout Plans: From Conceptual to Reality

When you can visual see your upcoming renovation, then you can plan for every little detail.  When you start with the concept, you can start to narrow in and work on all the fine details.  And trust me, there are many, many fine details in any renovation project.

For example, the vanity in the conceptual renderings for this master bath is a simple vanity.  I am currently working on taking that simple vanity and turning it into a custom vanity that will include a special pull out for Mrs. Client to house all of her hair products and hair 'tools.'.

Bathroom Layout Plans

Image source

This organizational system is one item that Mrs. Client has talked about numerous times so I'll be surprising her with this for her vanity.

I know I've said this before but I truly believe it to be true: Failing to plan is planning to fail.  The same holds true for bathroom layout plans or any other space in your home, for that matter.  Although it can take time to work through these two very important stages of a renovation project (conceptual renderings to reality renderings), when the hammer is swung, every little thing is thought out and planned.  Nothing makes me happy than seeing a plan all come together!

Stay tuned to see this master bath go from concept to reality this summer!

Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Thinking of starting a renovation project and don’t know where to start?  Download my FREE

7 Steps to Renovate With Confidence printable guide!


Wish to work with me to design your dream space?  Contact me to discuss your future project.

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