Back To School

Having the kids head back to school can sometimes be a blessing and a curse all wrapped up into one huge ball.

The Blessing

Many people, including myself, thrive on routine. I know in my past life as a teacher, I have seen the benefits of kids thriving on routine. They know what is expected and when to expect it. According to Dr. Laura Markham, “...routines give them a sense of security and help them develop self-discipline.”

Benefits of Routine

Dr. Markham goes on to suggest there are six benefits to having routines with your kids

  1. Routines eliminate power struggles.
  2. Routines help kids cooperate.
  3. Routines help kids learn to take charge of their own activities.
  4. Kids learn the concept of ‘looking forward’.
  5. Regular routines help kids get on a schedule.
  6. Routines help parents build in those precious connection moments.

Power Struggle

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You can read all of Dr. Markham’s article here.

The Curse

Back to school means for many families, back to school shopping! If you’ve been following my blog for some time, you will know that I never go shopping without a list. It is just something I have done for a long time that keeps me focused when shopping. It’s not very often that a ‘SALE’ can get me to buy something that is not on my list.For many parents, back to school shopping also may bring an ache to your wallet. My dad is famous for saying his back pocket hurts when my mom shops! has recently reported the following:

  •  Most parents will spend over $200 on school supplies for their children
  •  12% of parents plan to spend over $400

Jeff Schwartz, executive director of Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada, says back-to-school shopping is a major expense for parents.

 “School supplies are a source of great angst for parents. There’s a lot of pressure to make your kids happy, but also a lot of stress about trying to stick to a budget.”

 My Money Coach  have some great ideas to consider before you head out shopping.

Back To School School

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Get The Essentials

According to My Money Coach, “You can save money on back to school by only buying the essentials school supplies right away and then ...purchasing the remaining school supplies on sale once the back-to-school rush is over.”

Have A List

Shocking I would put this in right? According to My Money Coach, “Studies show that people who shop without a list pay as much as 23% more than those who make a list.” This is something I truly believe in. Anyone who grocery shops with a list will probably agree. It’s so easy to get caught up in buying something because it’s on sale and it’s a good deal. It’s only a good deal if you need it, will wear it, or use it.You can read more of My Money Coach’s tips for back-to-school shopping here.With the blessings and curses set aside with back-to-school, please remember that as parents you play an extremely important role in your child’s education as much as your child’s teacher. Here’s to a very successful and rewarding school year! 


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Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

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