A Year in Review: What I've been up to these last 365 days

It's amazing to look back at 2016 and create a year in review.   I've been so lucky to work on fantastic projects and meet some wonderful people along the way.I've put together a little video of some of the projects I've been lucky enough to be a part of.  Although some of the larger renovation projects are not included in this video (as final photos have not been taken yet),  and some of the smaller projects I have helped clients with are not in this video either, hopefully this will give you a glimpse of my 2016!The assistance I have provided my clients this past year involved:

  • Helping choose interior colours (paint only).
  • Helping choose interior fixed elements for a renovation that includes flooring, cabinet colour, counters, backsplash, carpet, tile, etc.
  • Planning and creating floor plans for clients who are refreshing their space.  A great way to ensure any new furniture that is purchased will be the correct size for the space!
  • Designing 2D and 3D spaces for renovation projects.  From planning out the space(s) for function first, ensuring all electrical is planned, all plumbing is planned, and ensuring everything is thought of prior to a hammer ever being swung is one I love to work on.  These projects tend to be larger renovations and an area I wish to continue to grow my business for 2017.
  • Managing the renovation to ensure it goes from dream to reality.  This past year, I managed more and more of my own projects for my clients to ensure timelines and budgets are kept.  My family says I have  a control issue however I see it as ensuring projects are moving efficiently and efficiently without compromising the end goal: a newly designed space.

I hope you enjoy!

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!

 Sheri Bruneau Get It Together

Renovations can be overwhelming when you don't know where to start, when there are so many decisions to be made, and thousands of colours to choose from.   Contact me today to discuss how I might help you renovate with confidence! 


Wishing to have a newly designed space for 2017?  Download your FREE





Open Floor Plan: Come along this journey with me!


Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year