4 Reasons Why September is the new January

Kids going back to school?  Summer holidays over?  Weather starting to get cooler?  Routines back to ‘normal’? My guess is whatever your family situation is, you can at least answer, “Yes” to at least one of those questions.September is the new JanuaryIn January, many people make resolutions or set goals.  I find that September is also a great time to do that.  It’s a great time:

  • To evaluate what is working and what isn’t in your life.
  • To make a new, fresh start.
  • To get rid of the old to make room for the new.

Whether you have kids or not, here are 4  ideas you can think about in September:

Re-evaluate spaces in your home

For example, as kids get older, they may not need a playroom anymore – they may need a room to be able to hang out with their friends, play video games and watch movies.  This may be a great time to go through your garage and get ready to make room for your vehicle(s) before the weather really turns colder.

Go through closets

Fall is a great time to give away clothes from this past season that didn’t get worn or you know they won’t fit next year.  I’ve taught my kids to not keep something out of guilt.  If you really don’t wear it, get rid of it!

Go through shoes

It’s a great time to go through the spring/summer shoes that are worn out, getting too small, and don’t forget the ones that are oh ‘so yesterday.’

Evaluate routines and responsibilities

As my kids get older, they get more responsibilities in our home.  It’s what my hubby and I believe in and instill in our kids.  We don’t have a maid, a butler and there is no magic cleaning fairy!  Everyone makes a mess – everyone helps out.   Kids thrive on routines and quite honestly I believe adults do too.So as things get back to normal and we all get out of summer holiday mode, think about how this September can be a fresh start for you.  Oh, and Happy New Year!




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